Off-The-Shelf IT Solutions - extras - Templates for stage: Authorise project
3 Initiation – shaping and authorising the project
Scoping workshop input spreadsheet
This format holds the working list of entries to ‘triage’ during the scoping workshop. Note some columns have drop-down lists to standardise content – see sheet ValidationLists to adjust the values for your project. Standardised values help sorting and filtering, for instance to transfer selected scope entries into the later requirements document. See usage at book section 3.4.
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Sizing questionnaire
This format helps you to scope and risk-assess a software product selection by capturing critical metrics: these assess the size and risk of the project; they establish the likely sophistication of the off-the-shelf solution. Effectively, the metrics help you to understand ‘how big’ is the project and ‘how clever’ the software needs to be. When completing this format, you may prefer to widen the Notes column to type full text entries. See further explanation at Appendix 1.
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